Promoting Goodwill

Goodwill Tips:
Below are listed some things we all can do daily ( and/or do much better ) toward helping foster a greater measure of Right Human Relations with all of our relationships.

Financing the Work: is an educational project.  Your aid helps us provide a platform of inspiration and practical application for the transmitting of goodwill energy around the world. Funding is directly related to the level of activity we can undertake. With your help...

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Email: promote (at)

Introduction Continued

The evils that have lead to man’s present unsustainable condition can be summed up in two words: greed and competition.  There are enough resources on the planet to provide all the needs of every individual.  Every person in the world should have shelter, food, clothing, education and freedom to pursue their life goals.  The time of grabbing for oneself is coming to an end.  The new era being entered demands sacrifice, sharing and cooperative understanding.  Resources must be directed toward educating people around the world as to the potency of the energy of goodwill, and away from war and competitive corporate interests.  Why is it so difficult for people everywhere to share and work together for a peaceful world?  The answer to that question can be found in the following words “nationalism, capitalism, competition, blind stupid greed.”

 The answer to the issues facing humanity today lie in the term ‘practical goodwill’ – it is really that simple.  People only need to be aroused and educated to this fact.  Sharing and cooperation must be taught so that the evil of greed and competition will begin to fade from society.

 Right human relations can be brought about through the united action of men and women everywhere, in every city and country on the planet.  Goodwill is love in action.  Any individual, group or nation sincerely practicing it can change the world.  Please join our efforts as we help spread this dynamic energy around the world.  Promote Goodwill and be with us!    


Purpose & Goals

Goodwill is a contagious and potent energy.  By its means, peace can be established on earth.  Through its intelligently applied use the dynamics of human interaction can be positively changed in a short period of time. is focused on practical methods for spreading this...

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Meetings & Workshops

Each meeting and workshop, no matter how large or small, is approached as a practical way of mobilizing people of goodwill, organizing our efforts into one coherent working group, and then participating as individuals in Promoting Goodwill consciously in our daily activities.  Working together to bring...


"The immediate spiritual problem with which all are faced, is the problem of gradually offsetting hate and initiating the new technique of trained, imaginative, creative and practical goodwill.

Goodwill is man's first attempt to express the love of God.  Its results on earth will be peace.  It is so simple and practical that people fail to appreciate its potency or its scientific and dynamic affect.  One person sincerely practicing goodwill in a family, can completely change its attitudes.  Goodwill really practiced among groups in any nation, by political and religious parties in any nation, and among the nations of the world, can revolutionize the world."

- Problems of Humanity, p-6,  by Alice A. Bailey