Welcome to! We hope you will find the project of promoting goodwill worthy of your time and attention. A re-orientation needs to take place within humanity - the ONE humanity, for we all all ONE family. A new attitude of harmlessness needs to be developed; an attitude focused on sharing and giving, rather than selfishness and greed, will solve most of the problems facing humanity. And this will lead to peace in all areas of human activity.
Peace is an effect, not a cause. It will come as a result of sharing and cooperative understanding, qualities which need further development and expression among people everywhere. At present, peace doesn’t exist in any field of human endeavor. There is strife and conflict in the financial world, between nations, among religions and in politics everywhere. Adjustments need to be made! And these adjustments or changes, as is evident everywhere we look, will be painful and difficult. Peace will come as soon as we, as a people, recognize our individual responsibility within our family, humanity. It will be a result of the spread of goodwill. This flow of loving energy is the wave of our future. Goodwill sincerely practiced by individuals, groups and nations will lead to right human relations among people everywhere, which will eventually lead to peace.
There is a battle raging within humanity between old worn out ideologies and the new stream of idealism sweeping through the race. This is evident in all departments of human life and in all countries around the globe. A true spiritual orientation is needed today so that the human family can build on those qualities and attitudes that will lead to better human relations. Promoting goodwill among individuals, groups and nations will lead to that change in orientation, raising humanity out of its material focus and onto a higher realm of dynamic spiritual interplay. Fear and insecurity will be replaced by understanding, as well as a new attitude of acceptance of others, regardless of their color, national origin, beliefs or customs. As long as men and women focus on material gratification the battle will continue to rage.
"The immediate spiritual problem with which all are faced, is the problem of gradually offsetting hate and initiating the new technique of trained, imaginative, creative and practical goodwill.
Goodwill is man's first attempt to express the love of God. Its results on earth will be peace. It is so simple and practical that people fail to appreciate its potency or its scientific and dynamic affect. One person sincerely practicing goodwill in a family, can completely change its attitudes. Goodwill really practiced among groups in any nation, by political and religious parties in any nation, and among the nations of the world, can revolutionize the world."
- Problems of Humanity, p-6, by Alice A. Bailey